​​T h e  G I F T

The Greater Immanuel Faith Temple


Activate your giftedness, rally your family and friends, engage those around you and join the efforts of each serving team/ministry of The GIFT Nathon in raising and giving $5,000 from that effort/group to push us toward our faith goal.  We believe that eyes have not seen, nor have ears heard of the diligent ways God's people will yield for this good work!

Something special or something more, you say?  We absolutely get it!  If the last decade has taught us anything, we understand that mystery is where miracles break through!  God has been relentless in sending every gift and resource for The GIFT and has declared even more in the days ahead.  This tier of giving accommodates these manifestations.  The GIFT is divinely tilled, good ground!

In just a few months, The Greater Immanuel Faith Temple--The GIFT will celebrate a decade of worship, discovery, work, and development.  We are profoundly grateful to God for the journey and brimming in faith for what the future holds.  

Our 10th Anniversary Goal is to position the ministry to be a greater force of the Kingdom of God on earth.  One of the ways that we will achieve this is the purchase of a new facility.  We are releasing our faith for $100K, in addition to regular tithes and offerings, for this purpose by Sunday, December 5, 2022, our 10th Anniversary!

  • The Gift (Radio Edit)4:02

How can you be a part?


The GIFT is turning 10!


Add your name to the list of GIFT CITIZENS who have committed to giving $1,000 for the 10th Anniversary.  Whether you give installments or a lump sum is completely up to you, as long as you fulfill your commitment by our faith goal date of Sunday, December 4, 2022.  We know that God gives seed to the sower and seed ALWAYS yields harvest!